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Posted By Topic: Bet horse after 2 months stop       - Views: 714
ah hock 11-Oct 2019 Friday 3:08 PM (1969 days ago)               #1
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Very good  , I stopped betting horse 2 months  ,go fight again see any changes , guess what , as usual no hit single cent lost 200+, what I want to say also don't know,  when the god can stop playing me also don't know, why can't let me win 1 time also don't know,  I think I owe god money during past life   ,so the god die die want to play me till I die , If can I really want to face to face talk to god to find out what happen , this is really abnormal as ppl betting sure got lose and win unlike me only can lose all the way , can't win one time also.

14 days WARNING given on 24-Feb-2025 22:16 HRS--- Please DO NOT use VULGAR LANGUAGE - You have been repeatedly warned not to use vulgar language.

-Warning will be lifted on 10-Mar-2025


FiRe1987 09-Dec 2019 Monday 6:16 PM (1910 days ago)            #2
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bro.. hope u still alive.. 5 years ago i same situation as u.. everything same..

1) max out all bank personally loan until no bank accept new loan
2) borrow moneylender and pay for another moneylender next month
3) when all moneylender dun approve my loan, i go sign all telco and sell phone.
 the last moneylender willing lend me only $350 but return $500
4) pay until salary cannot cover next month interest then steal parents gold and sell
5) last resort go find ah long and signed up 4 different ah long(1 from longjie)
6) end up only can tahan another 2 more months of paying interest and losing gambling then burnt out and get calls from all ah longs, money lenders, banks..

all started with a single night at mbs of using 1k and win 15k.. everyday brain think 1k can win 15k..

you now still at #3, hope you dont proceed any further.. unless u wan feel the same shit i went thru

You must be thinking where can sell kidney, or where to find some underground jobs to earn quick bucks or thinking how to smuggle drug without getting caught or how to break into house and steal money

How i get out is get help from my sister.. my sis bailed me out, then control all my expense for 5 years, then now i return all liao.. every week take 150$ allowance only.. if you got no sister to bait u out, just go thru the below ways:
- Bank loan, can either apply DCP or declare bankrupt, go seek for credit counselling first then they will advise.. its pretty stupid, they wont pay for you, they only give u letter so that can nego with banks on longer repayment terms

- moneylenders: ask them waive off interest and late payment, maybe repay principal in full 2 month later.. either they take back the principal or they take nothing. they will threaten lawyer and all these, but they wont do one.. cos lawyer is expensive.. they just want back their money..

- ah longs(if you alrdy taken up) - in sg, u wont get cut up one.. all they do is shout vulgarities over phone, threaten u.. if u paid enough alrdy, e.g. u borrow 1k, paid ard 3k liao, then u can settle it with a final maybe 500$ close case.. they only cut u up if u borrow 1k but rtn 200$

MOST IMPORTANTLY, REFLECT AND STOP GAMBLING. got free counselling session at One Hope

This message was edited by FiRe1987 on 09-Dec-2019 at 6:19 PM

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